My Favorite Book Writing Software & Novel Outlining Tool – Campfire Writing Tutorial // Everyone always asks me, “What writing software do you use?” And my answer is Campfire and Microsoft Word. I use Campfire to outline, plan, and write the first draft of my novel. I use this writing software to create character profiles, timelines, take notes on locations in my book, and more! In this video I’m showing you how I use Campfire as an outlining tool, how I use it to draft my novel, and how I use it to take notes on editing. This is my favorite writing software to use as an author, I hope you love this fun tool for writers as much as I do! Let me know what your favorite writing software is in the comments below!

Use code “MANDI” to get 20% off any lifetime purchases in Campfire, or start using Campfire free:

Videos Mentioned:

Writing 5,000 Words a Day Until I Finish Writing the First Draft of my Book:


0:00 – Intro

1:02 – How I use Campfire as a writing software

1:50 – Things to know about Campfire

3:31 – Start of Campfire tutorial

5:18 – Character profiles

7:40 –Timelines

10:31 – Character relationships

12:00 – Campfire as a writing software

17:02 – Writing a series/linked project

18:38 – Writing stats

20:48 – Locations

21:31 – Maps

22:36 – Timeline in my current work in progress

22:58 – Customizing theme